
They Keep Coming! — 5 Comments

  1. Karen, I wish we could just sit under a shade tree and chat. Even if we both were having senior moments at the same time, it wouldn’t matter. Thank heavens we haven’t forgotten our sense of humor.

  2. Thank you Karen for sharing your feelings and experiences with us. I relate with what you wrote about getting older. I’ve done things like putting a white ointment on to my tooth brush only to realize that it wasn’t toothpaste at all. When I feel really scared at night or my mind is racing in the middle of the night it helps me when I ask the Lord to hold me. That helps to calm me down. Thank you Karen so much for your faithfulness in sharing what you do.

  3. Well, Karen, my senior moments are becoming more frequent as time goes by.
    The only thing I surely don’t forget is my pals who are the oldies but goodies–
    and you are certainly folded in that wonderful group of ladies!

  4. Great blog today! I’m finding that Prevagen is helping me avoid some of those “senior moments.” Rest assured, though , I still have them!!

  5. Yes, dear friend, I do have some of those “moments” also. I find it helps me when I laugh about it. Then I tell myself, “You do remember who you are and where you are”. I am not too bad yet. 🙂

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