The Tax Man Cometh
Spring not only brings showers and flowers––but taxes too!
I started putting together my documents a couple of weeks ago. It took much longer than I anticipated even though I keep good records. At first I felt agitated. I had to dig a little deeper than usual to find some items and I needed to contact a few people for forms that had not yet arrived. As soon as I felt my pulse rise, I took a deep breath, said a quick “Help, Lord!” and moved on to fill in the information I did have.
Within seconds I felt my shoulders relax, my mind clear, and my spirit rest in the Lord. I also felt a surge of gratitude that I had made enough income to even pay taxes. I want to do my part in keeping our highways repaired, our schools running, our teachers and government workers paid, and our Armed Forces protecting our freedom. Paying taxes also means that my life’s work is thriving and I can count on making a living at what I love to do. I feel better already—just getting all this off my chest.
As former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. put it: “I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization.” And as Paul advises in his letter to the Romans: Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Will do.
Lord, thanks for setting me straight!
Excellent thinking, Karen!
Thanks, Carolyn. Always nice to have you check in with a comment.
I don’t mind paying taxes either. Most of it goes to help people.
To help others and to help ourselves too, so almost everyone benefits and that’s good, I agree.
Thanks for your timely words!
You are so welcome. As I dropped my payments in the mail this morning, I reminded myself of my own words even though I’d love to have used this money for travel! 🙂
I certainly do agree with you! I don’t mind paying taxes either and thankful that I can!
God does help us, doesn’t He, but sometimes we have to ask. Love Psalms 46:10: Be still and know that I am God”.
Love you too! Margaret
Psalm 46:10 is one of my favorites too. Thanks, Margaret.
“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pitchers of silver”
Prov. 25:11 Thanks for the Golden Apples. I need them. 🙂
Thank you, Etta Mae. I appreciate your warm words.
Love the attitude and love the quotes And bible verses
As always, thank you for your support and love, Heidi.
yes, when we relax and except the peace of God everything falls into place! when Bob went to the N.H. I had to find papers from his home back when his parents were alive+ the house I had before I met him. So ran between court house, and bank, and post office, and his personal papers, until it slowed down! Bob’s family had several little incomes that he got, but wasn’t paying off, anymore. I found out, I was organized enough to do all this although frazzled. Thanks, I feel better sharing this. I never did own taxes; H&R did them.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Mary. It sounds like some of those tasks were weighty, but you got through them.
I haven’t worried about taxes for quite some time as H&R takes care of me. But I think I will begin doing my own, since I really own nothing and go short form. H&R app or Turbotax is way under a hundred. H&R: $171. UGH. Seen a funny post on a new two line tax 1040, “How much did you make? Send it in.” Probably coming to that one day but us believers prayerfully won’t be here to fill out that form. 🙂 God bless you Karen.
Thanks for chiming in, Jim. It’s always good to hear from you. I like the funny line you mentioned. It does feel like that sometimes.