The Pause that Refreshes

Courtesy of Coca-Cola Company
I saw this slogan not long ago and immediately it hit me. It pays to pause whether or not you stop and sip tea, gulp cola, savor a cup of coffee or simply sit and ponder.
Pausing works and it may even save us from speaking before we think, handing out unwanted advice, or judging another person’s behavior.
Over the holidays I had many opportunities to ‘practice the pause’ and it made a big difference in my relationships with people I love and who love me.
I took a moment to listen, to look, to lighten up when something bothered me or I disagreed with an opinion, an action, a point of view. I reminded myself that I’m only responsible for myself, to be the person I hope people will want to hang out with and talk to and share life’s moments with.
And so for this new year I’m going to make it one where I pause, refresh, and carry on with love in my heart and in my eyes, enjoying people for who they are and hoping they will do the same for me.
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you”
(John 15:12)
Love this. Good advice for all to hear. Much like Val’s sermon this weekend— the warning to say too much, confuse and hurt– messes we just have to clean up later. Better to “pause, refresh and carry on” as you advise! love, Heidi
Thank you, Heidi. I appreciate your support so much.
Love this Karen! Good to practice pausing! Deep breathing too! You are indeed a delight to BE with my friend.
Thanks, Kathleen. My couple of days with you and Don were definitely the ‘pause’ that refreshed me.
Great post, Karen, and a timely one. We all need to step back, click on the “mute” button occasionally so we can think more clearly about life’s blessings. Happy, healthy New Year to you.
So true, Marie. Thanks for your comment.
Great slogan, Karen, and seeing it linked with the young woman holding coke makes if feel like a joy.
I don’t have to bite my tongue, but give myself a refreshing pause.
Thanks, Pam. Ah the pause!
Great analogy, Karen. Love your insight! Miss you my friend!
Thanks, Bev. Miss you too. Love to you and your family.
Pausing works. I also like Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.
That is one of my favorite verses, Jim. Thanks for point it out.
I can hear the click and hiss of the pop-tab opening…Ahhhhh…
Very good thought and one I need to remember. I have a photo of a beautiful tree with the verse of scripture that James quoted: “Be still and know that I am God” and it is one of my favorites. Another one is one I have to remember often but cannot right now remember where to find it but the verse is simply; “Judge not lest ye be judged” KJV of course! I have to admit that I really have a problem with the way people, both young and old, wear jeans with the holes, torn places, etc., etc., on the legs and remember when my son was wearing jeans to school and one of my friends said she died her sons jeans when they got faded!I realize I am “old” (that’s am understatement)but when I see them I think: “REALLY–do you think they look ‘great’?” Some of the sweetest ‘kids’ and the best kids wear what I think looks terrible but I love them and they are good kids~it is just the style, but I sure do not let them know how I feel! So glad I have a lot of young friends who confide in me! Enough said!
Thanks for helping us to “pause and think”-especially before we express our opinion. I would not dare let them know! BIG smile!
Another Happy New Year! margaret
Another warm and wonderful personal story, Margaret. Thank you.
Karen, I am trying to pause too! Often, I need to keep my opinion to myself and do! This has helped me have a better relationship with people. Thanks for reminding us that, we are so very much alike in this world.
Thanks, Mary. I agree that pausing before we speak can actually improve our relationships with everyone in our lives. When we are still we can know that God is with us and will guide our every word.
Karen, wise words. I too want to think before speaking or reacting. Thank you for the reminder!
Thank you, Carol.