Shhh! The Gift of Silence
A wise old owl sat in an oak.
The more he heard the less he spoke.
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why aren’t we all like that wise old bird?
This old English nursery rhyme offers a simple reminder to listen more and speak less, not a popular pastime in our talkative, social media-saturated culture, right?
Brother Lawrence, a lay brother who lived in a Carmelite monastery in Paris during the 17th century believed that useless thoughts, self-focus, penance and self-mortification are all unnecessary. Practicing the presence of God in all one’s affairs and often in silence, was the only thing that for him made for a quiet life of love, joy, and peace, even as he worked in the kitchen as a humble cook. “I possess God (there) in as great tranquility as if I were on my knees.”
His was the kind of life Paul talks about in 2 Thessalonians 2:15-16, and one that I want to live.
The gift of silence is a gift like no other. It keeps on giving—in ways we can’t imagine until we receive and open it. This week I’m going to speak less and listen more and see where it takes me. I just might end up like the wise old owl in the tree!
I love that verse and remember it from my youth. I am also a admirer of Brother Lawrence’s book.
It is so easy to think worship is only done in one way.The awareness of God’s presence at all times is a gift. I do agree there is a great need for more listening . Thank again Karen ❤️
Thank you, Etta Mae. I’m happy to hear you are blessed by the work and life of Brother Lawrence.
Thank you Karen for the reminder of the gift of silence. Recently I’ve been sitting on a chair in the early hours of the morning and feeling the peace of God running through my veins. The heightened awareness of the owls hooting, birds singing, and trees swaying in the wind brings me peace. This really helps to center me and keeps me focused on God’s love, power and peace. That’s a wonderful reminder to listen more and talk less.
Love you.
Thanks, Sandy. I’ve been doing more sitting in the silence lately too, and it really blesses me. Glad to hear it is a blessing to you, as well.
Thank you!
You are most welcome.
I never really thought about that before, how the negative self-talk in my mind is very noisy, and happens maybe because im thinking too much about myself. Thanks Karen, I’m gonna work on that, and not let that useless thinking crowd out God in my life.
I’m so glad to hear this. Thank you for sharing your insight.
Amen. Zipped lips :))))
So funny and cute!!
I had not heard that quote about the wise old owl in years and years! I love it! I learned so much as a young minister’s wife by “listening and watching” the ladies prepare a meal for us after church services on Sunday’s. In the rural areas it was the custom for one of the church members to invite the minister and family for dinner (noon) after the church service. I really learned a lot that I should do and a lot I should NOT do~smile! I had a lot of good teachers and I am thankful I did listen.
Thanks, Karen, another good one! Love you Margaret
Thanks, Margaret. Great lessons. Thanks for sharing.
That old adage carries a great deal of wisdom, Karen. Thank you for sharing it. I too need to listen more and speak less.
Thanks, Carol. I appreciate that this old adage blessed you too.
I also love peace! “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 Thank you, Karen
Joan, I love this verse from the Bible. I will hold onto it, especially as I age.