On a Clear Day You Can See For Miles

Photo courtesy of Kathleen Knott
Last week my friend Kathleen and I walked along the Struve Slough in my hometown of Watsonville on the central coast of California. It was one of those lovely days when everything seemed ‘right.’ The temp was warm but not too warm. The breeze wafted through the shrubs and trees. The trail led us up and down the beautiful landscape–just enough to exercise our legs and pump our hearts. Birds dipped in and out of the water supply after the plentiful rains we’d been blessed with over the previous weeks. It was a day when you could see for miles and miles. I didn’t want it to end, but alas, all good things . . .
We capped off our time together with soup and salads and conversation. Such simple things–a walk with a dear friend, a hearty lunch, and the joy of simply being.
In light of all that is going on in the world today, how important it is to take time to walk and talk with those we love. I remember an old song reminding us that the best things in life are free.
What are some of the best things in your life and how do you spend your leisure time?
“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
I hardly ever take time to do this kind of thing. Thanks for the reminder, Karen!
Thank you, Columba. I’m happy you enjoyed the reminder!
Well said,Karen! I can no longer get out and walk but I do a lot of looking thru the sliding glass doors, windows, etc. and am in awe at the beauty God sends my way each and every day! It is important to my to continue to thank Him for all he gives to me absolutely free! The sunsets here are beautiful-all colors and our back of the house overlooks a pond, golf course, trees and when the sun sets we have a reflection of colors in the pond and in the swimming pool that are amazing! Even the raindrops on the screened in area above the pool look just like diamonds— all of this for free!
Thank you Dear, for sharing this beautiful day you had with your friend, this is another blessing-friend! love, Margaret
Margaret, I’m inspired to hear that you are enjoying your life as it is, even though walking is no longer something you can do. But you are so right. There is much to see and be grateful for while just looking. God’s mercies and gifts are new every morning. Just this evening as I was driving to a meeting, I appreciated the setting sun in all its glory over the Pacific Ocean. I feel so blessed to receive so much beauty absolutely free!
Sounds like a beautiful day … and yes, a great reminder to invest in those precious to us. Thanks, Karen!
Thank you, Carol. I know you and Don and the girls often take walks at the beach and I always love hearing that. Such tines are precious and provide us with beautiful memories.
As I am here in Sitka Alaska with my son who is slowly approaching Heaven, I am inside much of the time. However, if I walk out the door of his mobile home, I have the most magnificent view of Mount Edgecomb, an extinct volcanic dome covered with snow. and the mile or two
of water between us is dotted with islands. That is my daily vacation to just look at God’s great wonderful scenery. God is good especially when you need him the most.
This sounds like a very peaceful time for you even as you wait on God for your dear son to join the Lord on the other side. May his comfort keep you . . .
I enjoy some of the same things Karen. Walking in nature, viewing God’s handy work, and being with a friend. I enjoy the solitude of walking on the hard/wet sand of the beach in the morning hours. I have been visiting a lady friend of mine in Nanaimo BC and it is absolutely beautiful up there. Beautiful weather, great friend, great conversation, and fun time observing God’s creation. Another personal pleasure of mine, is when I get in the solitude of my home, and have the chance to write about what I’ve seen. Writing is my passion and I thank you Karen for helping me on my journey as a writer. Thank you for being my mentor and for being my friend. GBY as you also experience God’s beauty and write about who’s at you observe.
I love hearing that you are enjoying the beauty of God’s creation and doing so with a good friend. I’m happy for you, Jim. And thank you for always acknowledging me as your writing mentor. You have been a pleasure to work with because you are willing to learn and grow in all ways and give the glory to God.
Karen, enjoy hearing your hiking stories. Feels like you take me there.
This winter I have started a new leisure time hobby–c…o…l…o…r…i…n…g! And, I’m loving it!
I enjoy nature walks, hiking, biking, gardening, reading, crafting and just sitting quietly on the porch.
But, coloring is my new “sit still and be quiet” love. It is so relaxing! I have always wished I could draw and have yearned to be able to sketch a picture on paper of the wonderful things I see and how I see them. But, I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler. Even my doodling is childish.
Finding the new “Adult” color books has brought me joy and a fresh way to clear my head in the evenings. I love choosing the colors and making the drawings come to life.
It may be a passing fad, but, for now, coloring with my nice color pencils has some of my leisure time and I’m for anything that releases stress, promotes creativity and gives me a break from technology.
Smiles, BRC
Beth, your coloring hobby sounds wonderful. I gave a book and pencils to my granddaughter (who is a young mother) for Christmas so she can relax when baby boy is sleeping. So many people are turning to this pastime. I remember coloring as a kid. A big treat was to receive money for a new coloring book and crayons. This was long before television came on the scene. How interesting that people are returning to that adventure as adults.
Karen, I recommend coloring for all ages! It’s as enjoyable in adulthood as it was in childhood!
Smiles, BRC
A joy filled day it was my friend. We can look forward to many, many more together and soon to our adventures on a cruise! Life is good and we are indeed blessed and loved. See you again soon and thanks for sharing my photo of the slough!
Thank you, Kathleen. It was a wonderful day and I do look forward to many more adventures in nature with you.