
Mac ‘n’ Cheese and Orange Crush — 5 Comments

  1. I was just thinking about the same thing yesterday. My Bubie Sophie (Bubie is Yiddish for grandma) would make the most delicious pecan rolls that were dripping with brown sugar and butter. They were incredibly soft and I loved to eat them. My father and I loved to eat sweet watermelons and then we’d so who could spit the seeds the farthest. I remember Dairy Queen ice cream cones with scrumptious toppings like butterscotch and chocolate. Also, I loved banana splits. They were delectable. When it rained I always had fun going downstairs where I had a special desk with a round cover and I painted and did fun art projects with my friend Ellen. My dad taught my brother and I how to put butter and brown sugar on toast and we took turns making it for breakfast. I used to love Dr. Pepper and especially when it was a float with Dr. Pepper and vanilla ice cream. In college I loved Carls Junior barbecue beef sandwich and I’d pour on the barbecue sauce. I used to love my mother’s sweet and sour cabbage soup and beet borsht with sour cream. Oh I almost forgot how much I enjoyed eating german chocolate cake and turtles that were covered with chocolate with caramel inside. I also used to love to eat candy lipstick and strawberry string licorice. Ellen’s grandmother made the most delicious apple strudel. It was moist and flakey. I’d eat so many of them that her mother told Ellen I couldn’t eat there any more. There are so many fun memories that I have about this topic. My favorite book was Helen Keller. Thank you for this topic Karen.

  2. I loved APLETS & COTLETS (fruit leather cubes rolled in powdered sugar) and Mallow Cups (marshmallow covered in chocolate). I also could never get enough of the Nancy Drew mysteries. It was always a treat to find one returned by a previous reader that I hadn’t read before. Those were the days!

  3. I luv how you challenge my sentimental memories Karen! 😉
    Your post made me remember a childhood ritual I enjoyed after helping my Mom with cleaning the house:
    🌸Preparing a plate of saltine crackers
    spread with Cheeze-whiz and
    🌸Pouring a glass of red koolaid
    🌸Sitting to enjoy with any book
    (My favorite was a large hardcover copy of the Peanuts comics
    and I read Nancy Drew too.)
    Those were the days. 😊
    I still practice a similar habit but with better cheese & crackers and a
    good book.
    🌸Smiles, BRC

  4. AHH ! Orange Crush! Awesome drink until they made it smooth and took out the small pieces of orange! When I was in college some friends of mine who were married had me go with them to spend the night at his parents who lived some distance from the college. On the way there and back MARTHA AND I COULD NOT GET ENOUGH OF ORANGE CRUSH! We loved all the pieces of orange.What a big disappointment when they changed it~never was as good but it is a good memory. Thanks, Karen

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