
Going a Little Crazy — 22 Comments

  1. Hi Karen, You inspired me in a recent post to read Writing Down the Bones for the first time. I checked out the audio version from the library and have learned so much from it. I remember the quote you mention here and am intrigued by your take on it, to try crazy or new behaviors in life, and not just in writing. Thanks so much for sharing that. I especially appreciate your courageous examples! Blessings to you, Nancy

  2. Oh, Karen, I’ve been there and done that! It is good, I think, to just be ourselves occasionally, rid ourselves of toxic people, and not give in to the demands of others.

    I have Writing Down the Bones in my collection of books on art and writing. You’ve encouraged me to dust it off and read it again. I often learn more from a second reading – or third – of a really good book. Perhaps that is why my shelves are overflowing.

    So glad you had a nice trip. I’d love to do that but others discourage me because of my age. See what I mean? BTW, I think of age as “acute geriatric episodes”.

    Good luck with your publisher and anything else upsetting your apple cart.

  3. I have never heard of this book but it sure sounds like one I would enjoy–OR WOULD I?? Smile! You see, in writing the book about my life I have been reading my journals to be accurate about some of my “memories” to put in my book. After I had been divorced a few years I met a really nice man and I got so disgusted while reading my comments about how “precious” he was, how we enjoyed each other and both of us felt we had a lot in common but there were some ciricumstances that kept us apart for a while and he married someone else! Actually, it was a blessing as I later met the perfect Christian man for me. NOW the way I see the connection with your blog tonight is this: I really did act crazy but it was nice while it lasted!! I have no regrets about my actions. I have a few lady friends and sometimes all of us act REAL crazy and it is a lot of fun. This may not “fit” the book but I still think I have acted “crazy” at times and enjoyed it! The memories bring back a good laugh.
    Thanks for another good thought. Blessings, Margaret

    • Thanks, Margaret. Like you, I’ve done a few crazy things I’d rather not admit, but they have all added to my life experiences that brought me to where I am today–safe in the Lord–and with lessons learned.

  4. I’ve started writing a book that will almost certainly never get published, or sell if I were to self publish it. Yes, that’s crazy, but it’s fun.

    • So glad you are having fun writing your new book. Publishing is not always all that it’s cracked up to be. Sometimes we just have to write for our own pleasure and growth.

  5. Good for you, and good post! Those are some hard, but rewarding choices. Following Jesus’s leading us IS a little crazy at times!

  6. I loved this, Karen! More than once I’ve told friends, “The older I get, the bolder I get.” 🙂 I’m proud of you for “going a little crazy,” and I appreciated your wonderful examples. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Like Judy, I’m getting older and bolder! I’m starting to consider doing things I’ve never done before-like owning a Tiny House & traveling on my own. How else am I going to get started on my Bucket List unless I just “do it?”

    You have always been an inspiration to me. Thanks again for your uplifting and encouraging words!, Karen!

  8. Thanks, Glenda. A tiny house (even smaller than your current one, which is so adorable)? It does sounds like fun. I look at these houses on HGTV and think what fun it would be to have such a doll house! Thanks for your encouraging words.

  9. Hi Karen,
    I’ve been trying something new with my writing and that is to JUST write and not worry about writtenese and editing as I go. It is helping me to find my voice. I don’t think this was the crux of your blog but its what came to mind when I read your it. Other than that, I pretty much am crazy all the time. I’ve done so many crazy things recently that its hard to pick just one. GBY and your blog, which I enjoy.


    • Thanks for your comment, Jim. I think it applies very well to what I wrote about. Going a little crazy to me is taking chances, trying new things, regardless of the venue. I like hearing you are allowing yourself to simply write! Keep on.

  10. Thanks for the reminder, Karen, that we need to be a bit crazy at times. For me, being crazy right now includes going in for knee replacement surgery to regain more mobility, planning a move this Fall, and enjoying my husband, family and home. I love hearing how you’ve gone a bit crazy and changed things that weren’t effective for you, like a draining friendship or standing up for your book cover. Good on ya, matey!

  11. I went a little crazy and started taking college courses at my age (73) And joined a club for professional Business women. And really went crazy and went to Dillard’s store to buy an all weather coat and bought two, instead! They are alike but different colors. I figure at my age….it’s time to be little wild! Apparently, you do too Karen! thanks for sharing with us, the readers.

    • Thanks, Mary, for sharing your way of going a bit wild and crazy. I am smiling from ear to ear. I love it. Keep on keeping on. You inspire me.

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