Dear Emily Dickinson

courtesy of by Taylor Ann Wright
I like to spend time at the end of one year preparing for the new year. You know–purging files, shredding old documents, hiring a crew to get those cobwebs in the corners of my high ceilings (no ladders for me anymore) and generally giving my home a good annual cleaning.
I also like to read and watch movies on Netflix and take long walks and enjoy coffee dates and lunches with long-time friends.
SO–while doing some of these things I ran across the following quote from my favorite poet, Emily Dickinson:
“A word is dead
when it is said
some say:
I say
it just begins to live
that day.”
I thought about those beautiful words and their meaning for some time. Imagine the power of your words and mine and how little we might think of them in that way. Once said they begin to live.
This year I want to remember Emily’s poignant message in her few words, and think before I write or speak, because once released my words live on in the minds and hearts of others.
is like a custom-made piece of jewelry …”
Thank you Karen! I look forward to ready Kathy Collard Miller’s bible study on friendship. What a blessing!
Like you, I want my words to be seasoned with wisdom and love, to bring life to their hearers. I need God’s grace for that, as my own nature sometimes takes over with words that subtract, rather than add to, life!
Thank you for this good reminder that our words live on and cannot be taken back.
Thanks for your comment, Carol. I love hearing that you, too, want your words to be ‘seasoned with wisdom and love’. What a world it would be if everyone practiced this.
t lasts Happy New Year Karen! I always enjoy your newsletters here in Canada! Emily Dickinson is my favourite poet too-she wrote a lot of poems about birds and I am an avid birdwatcher. I agree with her poem that words said or written have life and their pain or encouragement can last a long time- God has been speaking to me a lot about this topic. I am a retired prosecutor (D.A. in US) and so I tend to be the person that speaks out when I see injustices or when people don’t treat me or others respectfully. I still haven’t found a good balance for me but I came across a quote from Our Daily Bread: “Gentleness is making a point without making an enemy.” Great quote – not so easy to do in real life but definitely something to strive for. I’ve felt the pain of regret too often of saying “the truth” but not remembering the “in love” part- for me it will only be possible with God’s help. I love watching movies on Netflix too! Blessings to you Karen.
Thank you, Angela. It is so wonderful to hear from you and I love the quote you included from Our Daily Bread. I will put that on my list of notable quotes to apply in my life. Blessings on your new year, as well.
I agree with Emily Dickinson-a word is not dead when it is said, it is just beginning to live. That is why I must be careful with my “words” as I am sure someone will reapeat them and I sure hope they repeat them with the same feeling and not change the message.
As a teenager we used to play a game called “Gossip”.At a party where there are several people we would sit in a circle, someone would whisper something to the person sitting beside them, they would pass is on and when the last person in the circle heard the message they would repeat what they heard. It was hilarous, amazing and scary too to hear how the ‘message’ had changed! We had a lot of fun playing it as “kids” but it sure is not funny when “words” get changed somehow when they ‘live on’. I love Angela’s quote also and will write it in my booklet of quotes! (yes I have a booklet of quotes-love them! One of my favorites is one I do not know who said it: “Wisdom comes from listening” ! Boy! this one has really proven to be SO TRUE in my life.
Thanks, Karen. Love to you. Margaret
Thanks, Margaret. I remember the game ‘Gossip’ too. My friends and I played it at a party and got a big kick out of how the end message was totally different from the original. A good lesson! I also like the quotation you shared, “Wisdom comes from listening.” I’ll remember that.
Thank you for that powerful reminder about our words. I often think about how my words, body language,tone, and my writing lift people up and spread His love or tear people down. Even when we need to bring something up that’s hard, we can do it with love and with His direction. Our words plant seeds that can affect many future generations down the line. Thank you again Karen for sharing Emily Dickenson’s quote and your thoughts. I appreciate you.
Thank you, Sandy. It is amazing what our words can do. They have more power than we realize. I appreciate your comment.
I have Netflix as well but have noticed that there is another entity that is made for us (Christians). It is called Pureflix. They have NOTHING but Christian based movies. I have noticed that I have to REALLY be careful with what I click on. Some stories look sort of innocent but the language would embarrass a sailor. Soon as I get to where I once again turn on my TV, I’ll no doubt switch.
Jim W
Hi Jim. Nice to hear from you. Thanks for the info about Pureflix. Actually, I like to view a variety of movies since I live in a world of diversity and I like to find out what is going on. This also provides opportunities for understanding others, for prayer, and for compassion.