This past week has been a very difficult one for our country and for people of all races, beliefs, backgrounds and colors in wake of the murder of George Floyd. I do not have any words to add to the thousands that have been spoken already except to say I stand in prayer and solidarity with everyone of us who suffers because of this.
‘If one part suffers, every part suffers with it;’ Corinthians 12:26
I’m at home as most of us are these days so I decided to go back to my nature journals to remind myself of the amazing blessings and wisdom I received over the years while camping and hiking and hanging out with the birds and the trees. Nature always soothes, comforts, and provides space for prayer and peace.
Photo by Karen
Photo by Karen
Here’s a part of an entry from August 21, 1998.
In taking home the “glad tidings” of the mountains, of which naturalist John Muir wrote so eloquently, I want to proclaim what the mountains have given me:
Mountains are messengers of strength, joy, peace, steadfastness, challenge, risk, beauty, surprise, unpredictability, welcome, rest, conquest, home.
Photo by Karen
Their flowers fulfill, fascinate, delight, edify, glorify, and praise God.
Rocks provide steps to ascend, benches to rest upon, ‘tables’ for a picnic lunch, blocks to climb, fire rings for holding a campfire under the stars.
Photo by Karen
Trees offer themselves as shelter from the sun and rain, branches for drying wet laundry, perfume from the scent of pine, sculpture for the artist, log benches for the weary.
Praise God for these gifts that we can enjoy while here and take down the mountain with us as we return home.
“You will indeed go out with joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands” Isaiah 55:12.