While talking with a friend recently we touched on the subject of ‘clutter.’ We live in a community for people 50 and over and our garages are looking pretty cluttered, some still holding baby cribs and clothes, tricycles and skateboards. She is ready to toss stuff that’s been haunting her and also weighing her down for years.
The kids are grown and gone so it’s time to focus, as she said, “on just what I need.” It was easy for me to envision her lightening and brightening her home and property, something I’m in the mood to do, as well, the second time around.
I still have saws and hammers and nails and cans of paint and Christmas tree ornaments and so much more from the days before my husband died in 2015. Surely somebody would make good use of them. I’m going to pay one of my granddaughters to help me decide what to keep and what to toss or what to sell on Craig’s List or Facebook Marketplace.
I get a little nervous and even teary when I think of letting go of all this. Every item is attached to a memory. Then I realize I can keep the memory in my mind and heart. It doesn’t need a bag or a box.
So I will keep just what I need and want and let go of the rest. Settled! 👍