A Good Laugh!

Family fun at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk
“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures.” I read this quote in Spirit of Ireland: A treasury of Wit, Wisdom and Irish Blessings, a gift from my friend Margaret (who often posts comments on my blog).
Today it fits me perfectly. I’ve had lots of good laughs and many good nights of sleep as I’ve spent time with friends and family over the last few weeks and simply observed each of us doing what we do. No need to comment or ‘fix’ or ‘fixate’! I’ve noticed that when I close my mouth, my ears open.
I’m thinking about all the ‘stuff’ in my life where I could have given in to a good cry or stayed up half the night worrying myself into a stew! But no more. Now I look for the bright side and then sleep on it.
Here are a few slogans from Al-Anon (one of the 12-step programs) that bring me a chuckle and help to put things in perspective so I can smile more and sleep better.
“Zip the lip, or double the trouble.”
“Would I rather be right or be happy?”
“Keep it simple.”
“This too shall pass.”
“Put down the magnifying glass and pick up the mirror.”
. . . and my favorite:
“Let go and let God.”
Here’s to more laughter and more sleep and more grace to live on the sunny side of the street!
Oh, that sounds like heaven, both the good laugh and the good sleep! Many of the world’s ills could probably be cured–or avoided–by those two things.
Loved the photo, Karen!
Thanks, Kristi. May you smile and laugh and sleep well.
Karen, you never fail to make me smile. I like the “zip the lip, or double the trouble.” I hadn’t heard that one.
I also like, “Don’t worry, be happy.”
I like your addition, “Don’t worry, be happy.” Worry never accomplishes anything so we might as well smile.
Love the picture and love the blog!! One of my favorites is Laughter is good medicine~it says so in the bible!! Laughter is also healing! Statistics have proven that to be true!
Love you Dear one, and pray you and your family will have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I still have the picture of Charles that you sent a long long time ago of him carving on a pumpkin~~not the one you had not long ago but one you sent a couple years ago!
Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep along! I don’t remember who said this but it makes sense.
Thanks, Margaret. So much wisdom and encouragement has come from that calendar you sent us after our trip to Ireland. I read it daily.
Great stuff, Karen. I truly agree with laughter and a good sleep being good medicine, and am grateful for both in my own life. I see you having times of laughter and joy with your family and friends. Wonderful! Thanks for this good reminder.
Thank you, Carol. You and Don bring a lot of joy and laughter and wisdom into my life. I so appreciate you both.
This blog spoke to me- I think God used it to highlight my need to stop “fixing” and “fixating” Thanks for your very godly wisdom. You are a role model for me as I read your books and read your blog.
Angela Brouwer
Angie, how nice to hear from you. Thank you for your kind comment. I’m happy to know that my words are encouraging to you.
If I had written a paragraph for every hour I spent worrying and fretting, I could have written several books by now. I’ve been learning in my CODA group that it’s OK to let things go. I used to think I had to sort it all out; what a relief I don’t!
Yes, what a relief to learn that we’re not really in charge after all! 🙂
Dear Karen, I love ALL these sayings here. How true they are with deep philosophical meanings. I especially liked “Zip the lip, or double the trouble,” and “Breathe,” … I should remember to apply them to my life everyday, diligently. And the most timely therapy for me is “Let go, Let God.” How beautiful … enlightening … Thanks so much, Karen, your writing is like a refreshing, cool mountain spring well … I loved everything you’ve written. Jing
Thanks, Jing. Your comments are always a blessing. I’m happy to hear some of the sayings speak truth to you, as they do to me.